mikes badge was created before luna made their badge. lunas badge cost 55,200cr and mikes badge cost 4,600cr. Mikescustombling has a badge titled 'starry ice castle' and then lunaempressfrost has a badge titled 'anim ice castle' they're both animated badges. For more on the IMVU Creator program, which lets you create items for sale. I love your badges keep up the amazing work. The IMVU badges feature lets you create badges and give them to your friends. Your favorite badges are displayed beside your profile picture across the IMVU website. Badges are a great way to express yourself, to display your connections with friends or groups, and are a lot of fun to share and collect. You can think of badges as a 'friendship pin' on IMVU. Rating: 5 of 5 Flaming Jalapenos by xASPHYXIAx - see avatar page flag for review. Rating: 5 of 5 Flaming Jalapenos by Zombi - see avatar page flag for review. Find a person who has free badges on their homepage.